There are around a million things I'd like to post about, so before we reach the two million mark I'd better start catching up by writing the first of those long overdues. It always has been difficult for me to get started when there are too many things on my mind. Too many fabrics I'd like to make something of, too many ideas, too much dirty dishes, too much laundry, too many unanswered emails, you name it... Always procrastinating when action is much needed... That's me.
For the past weeks we got spoiled by a bunch of most thoughtful and generous gifts from very nice girls.
Antje of Princess Bubblegum who I admired for her skills and her very own style ever since surprised us with a parcel full of colours which caused much pleasure as you can picture when looking at my girl (Edit: Photo removed). She is crazy about these two dresses Antje made for her!
More smiles were caused by the things that came along those lovely dresses, among them glitter covered pencils (Dagny l o v e s them but I, to be honest, can't wait for the day when all glitter went off!), sweet appliques and a cute squirrel and mushroom garland which is delighting us whenever we are having a meal because it's hanging aross our dining room.
Thanks a lot, Antje!