You know that already: I love granny squares.
Had a blanket from IKEA once, 100% poly, horrible to touch but oh so beautiful! I always dreamed of owning something like this, made of real wool or cotton, but nobody in our family used to crochet...
Sure, you can buy them but that just wouldn't feel right.
Thanks to Katrin's help I now seem to have gotten a bit closer to let this dream come true.
Although I wanted to let the hook rest a little while after my first crochet attack during which I made 23 flowers back-to-back ("I can't believe, it really works... unbelievable... I actually can do it... just one more, one more, one more...") in order to make more important things, I couldn't resist checking out a most pleasantly rather large scaled pattern for a granny square I found in the latest issue of Cotton & Paint.
You've already seen, it went well.
After the white square I've shown you in the last post I tried to make one of several different colours, using skeins I didn't buy to combine in the first place, but it never had worked if I had...
There wasn't much of that yarn and because I did not want to get lost in a huge, never ending project I decided to stop this rush of enthusiasm while I could and opted for a smaller sized object like a shrug, pillow case, little blanket or little blanket with ties, also called apron.
So here, for keeping my frost susceptible bum nicely warm and cozy, is my Granny Square Apron:
Gently wrapping with highest concentration...
A little bit adjusting...
Making the knot...
Posing proudly ;-)
And because these photos really look headless like this only because our place is annoyingly smallish and the tripod would have had to be be placed in our neighbours sleeping room just without the wall between them and us, I bowed...
To smile and say hello to you!
Alex, 38, married, mother, German, living in Japan since 7 1/2 years and finally a happy crocheter, warmly wrapped in granny squares.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving or kinro kansha no hi (Labour Thanksgivng Day) or plain Thursday!
Edit: Gosh, don't let me do the maths, I am living here for six and a half years, moved to Japan in 2000...