Phew, only 22 hours to go till the new year starts and sooooo much to catch up with...
2006 will end without having done many things I wanted to do but now it's really too late to worry about that. The Long Overdues which were begun in October are still waiting to be continued... next year.
What I'd like to tell about today is a parcel that Nic and Sabine have sent us. It traveled a while but reached us just in time... look at all this fabulous wool felt - the green and red one were perfect for the mittens!
I am such a lucky girl that Sabine of Farbenmix was going through her stash and thought I could use that gorgeous yet not machine washable wool felt for some not to be washed items...
If I try very, very hard, I might come up with some (more) ideas... ;)
Thank you so much, Sabine!
Echt, Sabine, der Filz ist herrlich und wird ueber die Jahre (ja, ja, so lange wird's wohl dauern, bis der weg ist!) mit groesster Freude verarbeitet werden.
Bist ein Schatz.
The other, very lucky girl here is Dagny. My poor girl that is still waiting for fitting clothes...
She got a new dress!
Nic who is writing Luzia Pimpinella, one of my favourite blogs because Nic is such a lovely person, extremely busy, creative and inspiring, instantly thought of making Dagny a dress of a certain fabric she had on her stash when she read that orange post of mine back in October...
And indeed, the dress would have fitted so well... and it actually is fitting well!
That's my happy girl...
Once again I am thrilled how wonderful people are out there.
Nic, thanks a lot!!!!!
Und auch mit Nic spreche ich immer noch Deutsch...
Mutter und Kind haben sich sehr gefreut, der Sesamstrassencharme ist ganz nach unserem Geschmack - und Deine Liebe zum Detail sowieso!
More pictures of that sweet dress here and here.
PS: Dagny needs new sweaters... ;-)
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