A quick muffler scarf (thanks for the proper word) for keeping me warm.
Not really the Denyse Schmidt-ish one, but inspired by it anyways.
Oh, I love, love, love my Liberties!
I know many of you do, too. Does anybody of you know if there is a kind of library somewhere out there where all the pattern's names are listed? I do like to know the name of my babies ;-)
Isn't it just perfect?
It came along with these... mmmmh!
Lovely and very gifted quilt artist Kristin made it for me - thank you so much!
Sweet and hot and creamy.
Heaven - if you like green tea.
Love it.
EDIT: I found the missing names of the pink and green fabrics that went into this scarf:
Millie and Parsley.
"Millie" was lingering around with some other "Classics" on the Japanese Liberty site, and that lovely herb "Parsley" that I thought could be dill was spotted here. What a nice name, a Libertytheque... it exists! Well, kind of... appears to be dormant... maybe it needs to be fed?