24 hours and two minutes... let's knit! Maybe I can finish that Hourglass Sweater this year. Would be nice to be free for some mindless hexagon crocheting when the new year starts.
I thought I share these impressions from yesterday's walk with you. If I don't do today I'll never do, I know. There are so many photos I took in order to show here on the blog over the year but never did... It was a rather mild day with little light. Very grey. Still enjoyable, as we headed in a rarely explored direction and discovered a couple of interesting things. Like that Mayumi bush (with the berries), the only one I know of in our area, an isolated, very peaceful little valley and a shrine we did not know. It is amazing how much new there is one step aside your old, well known paths here in Japan.
I hope you are all well. 30 is coming later today - until then!
On today's walk we came across this house. The wide spaced, upside down 92 I rearranged into a 29. The wheelchair is all corroded, tires flat. With those scaffolding parts which looked like garbage as well and the hiragana and numbers on the "board" it almost looked like a piece of art... curious for how long this exhibition will last.
74 hours until 2008 (here in Japan). I'll be cleaning, knitting and sewing, when being at home. And hoping Dinner for One will still be available on the Internet on New Year's Eve when I want to watch it... apparently I belong to the half of Germans who thinks New Year's Eve without it just isn't complete.
I hope you have as much fun with these simple book covers as I have.
They are quick and easy to make and once you finished the first you wonder if there are more naked books that could use a nice dress...
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