Well, it was, actually, because it's over already. And of course I totally missed posting about it that day, but here it is, just to document my heroic sewing activity :)
Heroic because I finally made my girl that princess dress I had been promising her quite some time ago. Now that I made it I really ask myself why it took me so long. Nothing is sweeter and more rewarding than a happy child thinking of its mother as some kind of magician or super hero, being able to produce a dreamy dress by throwing together some pastel coloured fabrics and beads and silvery stuff... :)
The dress is based on a sleeveless summer dress from OTTOBRE, but as usual, the bodice was way too wide and I had to take off a lot of the width to make it fit. The closure I changed from zipper to kooks, the neck line was altered completely and I also partly lined it. The sleeves I drew roughly on paper and the shape modified while cutting them out with my scissors (I find scissors are a great tool to give pieces the right curves). To my surprise the sleeves turned out nicely, could have been longer a bit but well, it's just a carnival costume...
The skirt had to be pieced and couldn't be properly hemmed because of the very limited amount of blue velvet I had on hand.
Scarlett O'Hara would have been so proud of me as this dress is the very happy transformation of a sample curtain I grabbed for just 100 Yen from a rummage table at Yuzawaya a few years ago :)
Oh, and speaking of Scarlett... another movie was the inspiration for our dress. Drei Haselnusee fuer Aschenbroedel, of course, you knew it, right.
Adressing especially my German readers here, so I will write a few words in German: Ihr habt's gleich erkannt am Schleier und der gedrehten Dekoration am Halsausschnitt, oder?! Aschenbroedel laeuft hier den ganzen Winter... bei Euch vielleicht auch, nicht wahr, ja, ganz bestimmt :)
Ich habe nocheinmal ganz genau hingeschaut beim Gucken des Films, diese Seite durchstoebert und auch Christianes zauberhafte Kleider bewundert (Hallo Chrissie!) und bin am Ende zum Schluss gekommen, dass ich mit dem, was ich an Stoffen und Zubehoer und vor allem auch in den verbleibenden drei Tagen bis zur Karnevalsparty nichts wirklich Aehnliches machen konnte.
So ist am Ende ein Kleid entstanden, dass vielleicht nicht so aussieht wie Aschenbroedels Ballkleid, aber eines, das Aschenbroedel vielleicht auch getragen haette, wenn es aus der zweiten Nuss gefallen waere ;)
Schoenen Gruss an alle Aschenbroedel Fans im verschneiten Deutschland!
The dress I made didn't turn out very similar to Aschenbroedel's ball gown because I tried to use what I had at home and there wasn't enough time for drawing the belt, but maybe Aschenbrodel would have worn it anyway if it had been fallen out of the second of the three magic hazelnuts.
Well, one of those things a sewing mother has to do once in a while...
Just a few more views of it...
I want to thank you all for your kind messages last week.
You are really the sweetest. I feel totally assured to keep my irrelevant, slow blog and hope that by sharing those little things around me I will contribute to your joy from time to time.
Thank you very much.
I have started to get back to you (rather late because I had a stiff neck last week, getting old!) via email, but I wanted to tell you that I recently enabled threaded comments here on MOONSTITCHES which I found extremely inspiring and attractive while reading MAKE & MEANING
, which I also added to my link list... because it is such a great, inspiring site.
Now I must run, get ready for my first knitting lesson at school... I'll be a knitting teacher from today on :)
If you have any fun ideas for first projects, please let me know.
I wish you a happy day!
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